Summer is in full gear and many of the countries have relxed their lockdown restrictions a bit. This means more people are going outdoors, buying stuff, relaxing and others.

Bolga baskets have seen a huge leap in demand in the last couple of months as they have put their place as the most cherished of handmade baskets.

Sadly the peak of demand coincides with the farming season here.  As most of the weavers are women who are also farmers, this means they are largely unavailable to weave. The few that do at this time have to place premium poricing on their baskets.

So, yeah prices for the bolga baskets are high and for those who would like to make wholesale baskets orders, this is a guide. It is best to prepare a month or two, so that your orders can be finished in time and at pricing that allows you to break even.

Either ways, the baskets are beautiful, the women that weave them are great and everything will be fine.

You can learn more about or Wholesale baskets offer here:


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